Thursday, October 2, 2008


So obviously Jake and I are going to be super poor when we get married, so we've been bargain shopping for furniture to fix up, and I must say we have found some great things! we got this table which we will use for our kitchen table at Goodwill for a whopping $12! We are going to sand it down and paint it black probably, and maybe add a crackle affect! We have yet to find some cute chairs to go with it, so keep your eyes peeled for me! The table below is one Jake bought all by himself at a garage sale while I was away in Utah! I'm not sure what color we will paint it, but I love that Jake has such good taste and I can trust him with stuff like that! :) We're gonna make these projects our date nights for the next few weekends and I'm so excited! I'll let you know how the final result turns out!


Claudia Luckey said...

very cute..

Mike and Chels said...

Hi! This is Chelsea Sackett-previously Strong-I don't know if you remember me at all from school but I just wanted to wish you congratulations and the best of luck! Married life is wonderful! Poor, yes, haha but thats what makes it an adventurous journey of sacrifice and love! You two look positively perfect for each other! Congratulations again!

Ashley said...

those are so cute kals! i think its fun that you guys are doing that. besides, vintage stuff is way more charming!

Unknown said...

I'm loving your fun projects together, and especially loving the cutest pictures of you guys!!! Just darling I tell ya. Love it!

nate and amy crandell said...

kalli hey girl! I am so happy I found your blog I can not hear the song My Humps without thinking of you haha or that one song "Slap your Grandma" haha oh my gosh I can't believe your getting married soon thats awesome!!

Brian and Brianna said...

Ok I just had to let you know how cute I think your finds are. My whole house is basically furnished and decorated with things from garage sale, and thrift stores! It's so fun being married you will love it :)

Mike and Chels said...

Hey, ya we are living in Mesa! Ended up moving back here after getting married-so excited for wonderful winter weather! What about you guys? Where are you planning on living? How are plans coming along? I hope they are well-its not worth getting stressed!