Sunday, October 19, 2008


So this past week I had my ward bridal shower, which was actually a lot of fun! Molly Foy of course went all out with the decorations and made that cute cupcake tree, and made everything just perfect! Thank you so much to everyone who got me all the fun gifts and helped make it a great night!


Brooke Fenn said...

Kalli, you are so cute. I am so excited for you. I love being married and couldn't imagine life being any other way. Congratulations again! -Brooke (Mortensen) Fenn-

Chase & Chelsea Corley said...

Hi Kalli! I wanted to tell you congratulations! I am so happy for you two! You two look perfect for each other and so happy! Do you guys know where you are going to live yet? Chase and I live in the wyndhaven apartments on greenfield and the 60. We love it. We are only paying $618 a month for a pretty big apartment. I know how it is being tight on money as a newlywed and these apartments were by far the best deal. PS I love the brown hair! It looks so natural on you!

Carly Jo Porter said...

Kal I love you and wish that I could have been there! You are beautiful.

Paul and Celeste Johnson said...

oh my goodness! I didn't even know you were engaged! haha. CONGRATS girl!! thats so exciting, your blog is way cute. Married life is seriously the BEST! BEST WISHES

The Porter's said...

Your shower was so -FUN-. I'm just glad that who ever took the pic's only got part of my leg in it. lol