Sunday, September 7, 2008

Soon to be Jasper :)

If you haven't heard yet.. I'M ENGAGED!! It happened on August 29th, and I was definitely surprised! So I thought we were going on a double date with one if his friends, but he wouldn't tell me what we were doing. So I was rushing home from work, got all showered, and Jake came and picked me up. When we got in the car he said we were going to Flancer's for dinner, and was looking all around for his wallet. He said he think he left it at his dad's office (which a week before he had been telling me he was there and just doing extra work to earn some extra money..) so when we got there, he opened the door and there was music playing, rose pedals all over, candles, flowers... SO pretty! so we ate this fancy dinner and the whole time I'm thinking.. I can see him doing this, and not proposing to trick me, so I wasn't getting any hopes up! After our delicious dinner that I couldn't eat much of cause all of the sudden I didn't have much of an appetite, he game me a card, and while I was reading it he came and stood next to me. Well I could hear him reaching for something behind me on the table, so I start freaking out! When I was done reading the card I turned around and he got on one knee! I was soo excited and I LOVE my ring, which he picked out all by himself!

A couple days later we went up to the rim to meet mema and bapa there so we could tell them! Of course Bapa cried haha.. so here are some pictures from it! I'm getting married to the man of my dreams, Jake Jasper, on Nov. 21st! We're so excited!


Ashley said...

cute post kals! i'm so excited for you guys!! love you!

Stephanie Perkins said...

Congrats kalli!! Im so happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He is a lucky guy! Enjoy planning and the next couple months...they go by so so fast eventho they seem so slow right now :)

Courtney from The Beauty Mark said...

Cute pictures, I am glad you finally announced it!

Claudia Luckey said...

how exciting. Congratulations.. you guys are so cute.

Claudia Luckey said...

how exciting. Congratulations.. you guys are so cute.

Unknown said...

k, so we can FINALLY see the dark hair!!! :) j/k. So so fun and totally Congratulations!!! You guys are super cute together. Have a blast planning, and please let me help with a shower, k? Love ya!

Jen Harvey (Brenner) said...

YAY CONGRATS KALL!!! being married is the best, you guys will have so much fun together, More than you thought you could have when you were dating! ;) My advice to you is to write down in a journal(if you dont already do) everything that is going on right now. Now that i have been married for almost a year, it is so fun to go back and read in my journal all my thoughts and feelings i was having from the day of our first date to our wedding day and all the way through to our one year mark. Its amazing to se how much you guys learn and grow as a couple. You have my number so lets double it up! and i want to hear all about the love story :)

Bridgette said...

I just found your blog again! ;) I can't wait to see you in a couple days.. yipeeee! love you kalli! Engaged life Rocks don't it? haha

ps. i keep forgetting your hair is brown now and it trips me out every time!