Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Hair!!

So I was sick and tired of trying to keep up with my stupid highlights in my hair, so with a lot of convincing from Jake I went BROWN! I was kinda freaking out yesterday, because it is literally my mom's color! But she said she matched my underneath color, which I have never dyed before. I'm just starting to get over the shock everytime I look in the mirror, and I think I'm getting used to it. It'll definitely be nice not having to keep up with it so often. I'll put some pictures up when I take some!


Unknown said...

uh ya! don't tease us and not let us see it!!! hello!!!

The Ledbetter's said...

hahahaha oh my gosh I laughed for ten minutes! I forgot how completely weird we were!! Esp. when those people threw a dollar out their window and we cut it in half cause we wanted to split it!! wow

The Ledbetter's said...

Oh and i can't wait to see your hair! It's been brown before but not your Mom's brown. Thats pretty dark!!! I bet its so cute though!!!