Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Buck!

Today is my little brother Hayden's 16th birthday. I can't believe he's already 16- DATING AGE! Ah I still want to be the protective big sister and keep him away from girls a lot longer! These are some of the reasons I love Buck!

1. He is ALWAYS smiling... if he is pitching in a game, everytime he throws a strike (which is the majority of the time) he can't help but smile.

2. He is such a stud when it comes to baseball.. right now he is pitching for varsity at Mountain View as a sophomore!

3. He loves to give hugs... for about ten minutes at a time! haha

4. Ever since he was a baby, he has been a clown! His personality is so fun, and so many people love being around him!

5. Most of all, I love that we are so close and he is one of my best friends! I'm proud to call you my brother and I LOVE YOU!! I hope you have the best birthday ever!!


Unknown said...

Buck ????? Hey there, this is Bro. Spuhdog! I hope you had a happy birthday. You are a stud, pitching for the Toros! Happy Birthday !

JG said...

You guys look soo alike! :)

Love the new updates on your blog and all the fun pics.

Ok, you still never wrote me back. I'm starting to get a bit antsy...

Courtney from The Beauty Mark said...

borrrring. one post every 3 months isn't cutting it.

Jen Harvey (Brenner) said...

kal! i dont know how i came across your page but i did! im glad to see your doing great and you look cute as ever! i'm gunna call you later because i've been looking into aesthetic school but i have some questions about it. talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

It was so fun seeing pics of you! It has been forever. It was fun spending time with your family in Utah watching Hayden play. Your parents are so funny!