Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Okay, okay I know I've been slacking on updating this thing!! So here is a little overview of what I've been up to lately.. About a month ago I went to Mexico with Savanna, CJ (her boyfriend:)), and his three little brothers. We had a blast! Jake and I have been on a few dates with Savanna and CJ, and we have so much fun with them. Here are just a few pictures from one of our dates!! I also went to Disneyland a couple weeks ago, and I'll put up pictures from that when I finally get them up on my computer!!


Unknown said...

So fun! Loving the mango shot!! Where's the funky red stuff? ha ha. K, you guys are just too cute together, love the pics! Cute, cute, cute.

Rivers David Foust: said...

I am so glad you updated! You guys are cute!

Unknown said...

MEXICO IS CRAYSEE!!!! Nice Mangos though! Did you happen to see the one legged man on crutches asking for money at the super market parking lot? Well, if you didn't, you sure missed out. Woo Hoo!!! Virgin Pina Colodas for everyone!!

Stu and Alyssa said...

That last comment had to have been Dave! By the way that wasn't Stu that was me.

JG said...

cute pictures! I need to write you back...I promise, it's coming. Just don't hold your breath!!!

Brooke said...

It was fun to see you last night! You looked darling and so did the guy on your arm!

Unknown said...

k, so, what's next? Tombstone!!! What the heck! :)

Claudia Luckey said...

hey it's claudia.. you are so cutee