Sunday, November 4, 2007


Okay.. so I haven't kept up with this since the first week i got here, and now I'm already coming home in three weeks exactly!! Man time flies that's for sure. When I was in the middle of it all i honestly thought it was never going to end! I definatley had a lot of hard times, and there was a point where I felt like I was having more bad times than good times, but of course you guys don't get to see those.. you just see all the fun pictures! Now that I'm in Bangkok I'm LOVING it!! My roommate Jessica is from Texas, and she is just absolutley hilarious! I'm always DYING laughing with her.. she has saved my life!! We have done a lot of traveling, and it's so fun to be with another American experiencing it all, haha and complaining together at times! Yesterday we went to our ward, which they actually have an English ward here in Bangkok, and that was SO fun to feel like I was in America again! But I still miss my ward a lot!! Here are just a few pictures out of my 1,000! We've been to Chiang Mai, and Phuket, total opposite sides of the country, and I've loved everything!! I'm SO excited to see Hudson and Courtney in exactly two weeks, but then again I'm going to be sad to leave everyone! I think especially Jessica, since we've gotten so close!!


Unknown said...

Kalli! So fun to read your updated blog! you're so cute and so awesome! See ya in a couple of weeks! Woo hoo!

Stu and Alyssa said...

Sounds like Jessica has been your saving grace ha! That is way fun Court and Hudson are coming to get you. Can't wait to hear all the stories!

Tara said...

Kalli! I didn't know you had a blog! So fun. I am glad to see that you are having a little bit more fun! And I am so excited to see you in a couple weeks. My brother, Cam just wrote us, he is in "peace river" Canada, it is -20 there, he is so cold! He is doing awesome though. Anyway, we will have to keep in touch! Love ya.