Monday, September 10, 2007


Molly and Mikki said...

YEAH!! How fun to see!!! Kalli, are you still there? I'm trying to get to you. I'm here on the computer while all these things keep popping up from you.

Molly and Mikki said...

You have NO idea how happy I am to see these and hear how well you are doing now! I LOVE the pictures. Quite the bed! I can't get enough though. I want more pictures!

Stu and Alyssa said...

my mom showed me your blog and i was way excited! Your pictures are great. Just by looking at the food i don't think my stomach could handle it. You look great and im excited to see a little more from Thailand!


Brooke said...

Hey Kalli, it's your cousin Brooke! I saw your mom today and my mom gave me your blog address. Wow, you are one brave little chickadee! But, it looks clean and nice and you look so adorable!Well, I am anxious to see how things progress with you! Good luck and yes....BE Safe! Love you!