Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Jake and I borrowed this movie from his mom, and watched it a few nights ago. Although the acting was a little cheesy, it was actually a really good movie! I think every married couple needs to see it. It's about a marriage that is struggling, and the husband decides to do what he can to save it. BOTH of us actually got a little teary-eyed, which is HUGE for us! :) sad i know.... but anyway it made me so greatful for my husband and the love and respect he shows me. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him for eternity!! anyway.. go watch it!!!


Claudia Luckey said...

ok i'll watch it ha

Corey and Bridgette said...

we just watched this Sunday night... I weeped. I liked it a lot! It had a really good message. It was weird when they kept saying "marriage is for LIFE." I was like well mines ETERNAL sucka's! miss you k-baby!