Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pictures, pictures, pictures!

Our wedding pictures are finally up! Still Life Studios did an amazing job and I'm so happy with all of them! If you want to take a look just copy and paste this website! Enjoy!


Ashley said...

gosh why am i the biggest baby?? i swear i was crying the whole time looking at those pics! probably cause i couldn't be there...

Anonymous said...

Kalli, you were a beautiful bride! Congratulations on your marriage...I hope you are loving life!

Becca said...

Kalli~ you look beautiful! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there! Congrats!

Drew and Megan said...

Congrats to you the pics are beautiful im sorry i couldnt be there im so happy for you guys hope all goes well

Unknown said...

Kals I love you so much! You are so beautiful and I love how the pictures turned out! They are amazing, you both look stunning! Love you.

nate and amy crandell said...

You guys are the cutiest couple eVEr!!!

Carly Jo Porter said...

Kalli I love you so much!! I was freaking out sitting in my little room in China looking through all your pictures. You are so beautiful and I just love you! I can't wait to see you to and catch up!Um and Jake is adorable I cannot wait to meet him! You're married!! MUAH!!!