Thursday, August 12, 2010

We Can Do It, He Can Help!

We can do it, He can help was our theme for girl's camp this year. I had the opportunity to go as a cabin mom this year with 8 first years. Let me tell you.. going as a young woman and a leader are COMPLETELY different experiences. I never realized how much my leaders have to prepare and how exhausting it is to be a leader! haha I never thought that I would be one to come home from camp and need a few days to re-coop. That's only the old ladies! And yes... everyone thought I was a young woman. I needed to carry around a sign to let everyone know they don't have to tell me where to go. Even though we had a couple difficult girls, I learned so much about myself and loving others. This theme was just the push I needed. I am so greatful for the ward and stake that I live in. I had a hard time leaving good ole ValVista ward, since I grew up there, but 61st ward has grown to be my home. The programs that the stake put on were so incredible. On the spiritual night, they did a program about how we can do it through trials, but He can help. I had a little down syndrome girl sitting next to me, laying her head on my shoulder through the whole program, and I couldn't help but cry thinking Wow, this is a true daughter of God right here with me. I'm so glad I was able to go and strengthen my testimony at camp!!

We kept finding random socks around our addie and nobody would claim them so they had a smelling contest... haha sick I know!

The hike

Making lunch!
haha the bow was taller than her.. reminds me of ME as a beehive! haha

This was only the first night and we were already exhausted..

One of our FABULOUS YCL's!


Courtney from The Beauty Mark said...

I almost can't pick you out of the crowd haha you look like a Beehive yourself! Do you use the kid menu when you go to restaurants? JK. Thanks for helping with D tonight!

nicole said...

awwww i love girls camp!