Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Addition!

This last weekend my best friend of a brother got married to the cutest, sweetest girl ever! I am SO excited for them, they are absolutely adorable! I am so lucky that I have been blessed with such amazing sister in law's. They are the sisters I never had growing up! :) Congrats Ty and Alexa, I love you both!!

Here is Mr. Grumpy Dean. He is so freakin cute I just can't get enough of him!!

None of us are looking in this picture, but I just wanted to show how beautiful her colors were!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

ahh thank you for posting pictures from the wedding!!! I've been dying to see how everything turned out! Everything looked gorgeous! I changed my mind about your hair by the way.... keep it long! I love it in these pictures.