Sunday, July 1, 2007


I have almost completed my first week here in Hawaii and I LOVE it!! I am having so much fun and meeting so many new people from all different cultures! It's still hard for me to believe that I'm actually living pretty much in PARADISE!! Even though it's not very civilized, which by the way Savanna was VERY grumpy about at first! We have already done so many cool things, and i feel like I've been here for so long! So last week we got here on Monday, and I was pretty overwhelmed because i felt like the campus was so huge and I didn't know anything that was going on! But we already have our group of friends that all hang out together and I feel like I've been friends with them forever! The other day we took the bus to Turtle Bay and played beach volleyball with our big group and it was a blast! We swam in the ocean too, which is ssooo nice. The water is like warm and so clear! Yesterday we took the circle island tour for orientation, and they took us to a really pretty look out first, and then to the swap meet, then to Pearl Harbor, which is always amazing, then to WalMart which was our favorite part!! Then we went to Halieva and got the best shaved ice!! Today was our first day in our new ward, and there are only about 50 people! It's kinda weird because there are so many different wards here on campus, but each one only has a few people in them! And don't worry.. Me Savanna and B are the only white people in ours! The rest are all Asian and Polynesian! It's pretty funny actually!

1 comment:

Molly and Mikki said...

We're glad to hear you are having fun! The pictures look great. You girls have a great time!!!