Monday, November 14, 2011


Tonight as I rock my crying baby with 101 temperature and 4 band aids on his thighs, I am feeling especially blessed and grateful. It seems like lately I have come across a few different blogs or stories of people losing their child, whether it was complications during pregnancy, premature birth, or an illness developed after birth. I sit in tears as I read these stories of women I don't even know, and my heart breaks for them. The love a mother has for her child is indescribable, priceless, and overwhelming. I can't even begin to imagine the heartache and emptiness a mother must feel after such a loss. My heart goes out to anyone that has to experience that hurt.

Tonight, I am grateful for my sweet boy.
I'm grateful that I can be here to comfort him when he is in pain.
I'm grateful I wake up to him crying during the night, even though it is not always fun.
I'm grateful for his smiles and giggles that light up my day.
I'm grateful for all the hard, overwhelming days, because I know what a blessing he is.

Tonight, I will squeeze a little tighter,
rock a little longer,
kiss a little softer,
and love even harder...


Kyndall Nakken said...

Jones is so stinking cute! I know exactly what you mean, just last night I was bawlingmy eyes out from a story I came across on someone's blog I dont even know. I hope jones gets feeling better!

Joey and Raegan said...

Love this post so much Kals. You are such a perfect mom. Love and miss you guys!

Sam and Nicole Shreeve said...

Such a sweet post. There really are no words to describe a mommy's love. You're a great mom!

Corey and Bridgette said...

I think you need to print this post so you have hard copy for jones to read when he is older. So sweet and heart felt. I need to see you and your sweet little man.

Anais and Chad said...

Loved this post and of course you know why:) Give Jones a big hug and kiss from me, too! Hope I get to see you sometime next week cuz we'll be down in AZ for Thanksgiving!!! Miss you Kals!

Molly and Mikki said...

You are such a sweet mom, Kals! I'm proud of the great job you are doing with our little Jones. I love you!!

Caleb Goodman said...

You are right! You can't even describe the love to someone who hasn't had a baby. I love that Jones!

Unknown said...

I am a mother of 4 now grown up children, in fact my oldest Jackson has his 27th birthday today. I kept a baby diary for his first 2 years and just couldn t get over how much I love him. I suspect a blog is the 21st century equivalent.
The time flies by ... it s lovely to create these memories for you and them!

Danny & Alyssa Coon said...

thanks for the advice on sleeping! i don't like the cry it out method either, i think i would end up doing more of the crying lol. i'm definitely going to check out that book, thanks!

Unknown said...

buenos dias digistes palabras estupendas, te digo que hace cinco aƱos perdi a mi hermosa hija y definitivamente esun dolor muy grandee indescriptible que no se

RCA said...

nice post!