Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I know I have been the worst blogger ever. My computer has been too annoying to try and upload pictures, and I finally found my camera cord! Anyway, here is what we have been up to the last little while. First, our puppy Cash has been so naughty lately. I don't know what it is, but the past couple weeks it's like he just checks every inch of the house to see what he can chew on. We've never had a problem with him chewing, not even when he was teething! Well a couple weeks ago, he was in the backyard with his head buried in a patch of grass. Yes patch, we don't have beautiful green grass like I would like! Time for that Jake! :) Well Jake saw him, so he knocked on the back door, and this is what his face looked like when he looked up. I couldn't help but laugh!

The other night, he found my FAVORITE Madden Girl sandels, and decided they were his new chew toy. When I caught him it was too late.. the strap had already been disconnected. I literally almost started crying and couldn't talk the rest of the night! haha That was a night his life almost ended!

Enough about our dog child... Buck was able to play at Chase field last Saturday with Mountain View's team, and it was so much fun! We all went and watched, and he just said it was a blast to play on that field. Unfortunately he didn't pitch cause he pitched earlier in the week, but he played right field where he had an amazing throw to home plate to throw the guy out! He also had some awesome hits! Good job Buck I love you!!

1 comment:

Danny & Alyssa Coon said...

Hey Kalli! Haha so we're such blog stalkers and totally found your blog :) I wanted to send you an invite to ours so I don't feel so stalkerish lol. So email me so I can send you an invite alyssacoon@ymail.com

On a side note, we had tons of fun the other day and definitely want to hang out again, plus Miley misses her buddy lol.

p.s. Cash looked so cute as a puppy!!