Friday, January 30, 2009

Bang Bang!

So I really needed a change with my hair, but I didn't want to cut it since it's just now getting long again, and i didn't want to go back blonde, so with a leap of faith we chopped bangs! I'm getting used to them, but its nice to cover my huge forehead! So here it is!


Claudia Luckey said...

super cute.

Ashley said...

okay... you were meant to have bangs!! you need to call me! i miss you!

Anais and Chad said...

first of all, I can't believe you and ash found my blog!! haha I haven't told anyone about it! and 2nd of all I am loving the bangs!! They are hot!!

Courtney from The Beauty Mark said...

I love them! We are so cute with our bangs.

Corey and Bridgette said...

K. SO CUTE! totally fits you!