Monday, November 10, 2008


Only 10 more days until I get to marry this sweet, handsome man! After waiting for three months, I can't believe it's already NEXT weekend! It's hard for me to say in words how much I adore Jake, but every time I am with him I feel like the luckiest girl on earth. Here are a few reasons why I love him so much! (just to name a few)...

-He can always make me laugh, no matter what mood I'm in. When I'm having a bad day, the second Jake walks in the door it all goes away. For example, we were at his house and I couldn't find him, so I went in the back where the office and his little brother Jordan's room is, and I hear him call my name. Next thing I know he's coming out of Jordan's bathroom with his hair slicked, parted down the middle... haha I just love his goofy personality!!

-Jake treats me like a princess! He shows me he loves me in so many different ways, and is always concerned if I'm comfortable or happy or whatever else. When I wake up in the morning I'll have a text waiting from him telling me he's just thinking about me and that he loves me! Jake is so compassionate and makes me feel like I'm everything to him!

-He is such a hard worker. Honestly, I don't think I could be as dedicated to school as he is. He can come home from being at school for 10 hours straight and spend all night studying, yet still find time for me. I appreciate and respect him so much for that!

Pretty much he is everything I could ask for and more! I love you so much babe and I can't wait to begin our journey together as a family next weekend! :)


Ashley said...

haha is he wearing your estecian (sp?) jacket??! i'm so excited for you guys kals! that was a really cute post to jake. btw... why don't you ever comment on my blog??! are you too cool or what?!

Ashley said...

hahaha i had to respond to your comment...! i totally LOL-ed when you said that cause that is exactly what i thought of when i was typing that!! haha SHMMMEEEE! speaking of which.. i totally saw him the other day. weird.

Alyssa Lee said...

aww thats adorable! sounds like you caught yourself a good man this time :]

Stu and Alyssa said...

Kal I am super excited for you. Married life is awesome. You two make such a cute couple and I am super happy for you. You desereve to be treated like a Princess. Love ya like a sister. ONE WEEK!!!!

Ashley said...

ahhh more more more pictures!!

The Wright House said...

Kalli! I love your picture on top of your blog! You guys look so good! How exciting!

Brooke said...

Yipee! Can't wait for you two!

Corey and Bridgette said...

oh my gosh cutest pic! please please put as many pics of your wedding up as you can!

nate and amy crandell said...

kalli I'm soo excited for you to get married!! You are going to LOVE IT:)